
Thursday, 10 October 2013

Baby Spinach Puree!

Spinach is an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin A, magnesium, folate, manganese, iron calcium, vitamin C, vitamin B2, potassium and vitamin B6. It's a very good source of protein, phosphorus, vitamin E and zinc etc etc..

 1. Prepare, Organic Baby Spinach 5oz/142g packing. (any size of packing will do)

2. I add salt into the water and soak it for few minutes before washing.
3. Put the baby spinach into the cooker and water (depend on the quantity of spinach) to boiled for 5-6 minutes till it tender.
Some prefer to steam it (5-6 minutes), so choose  your preference.

 4. Usually i will keep some of the baby spinach soup to blend with the leaf once cook.

This puree will enhance the taste when you mix with other ingredient :) tasty and healthy!

*If you like to blend with other ingredient, squish all the water out before mix it.*

5. Serve it or freeze it well with storage box.

*Some baby don't like the taste of spinach alone, is good to mix with chicken, green pea, or apple.