
Saturday, 31 August 2013

Juicy Pear Puree~

"Pear" is a popular choice to use at the first stage of weaning fruits (non-allergy group), it taste sweet & juicy,  Eli loves it :)

It is nutritious and cheap,  easily available in the market in all seasons.

Pears provide a very good source of fiber and are also a good source of vitamin B2, C, E, copper, and potassium. They also contain a significant amount of pectin, which is a water soluble fiber.

For your baby to enjoy first fruit puree in 4 months, blend the puree into real fine and smooth. (can add some pear extract, so the texture will be diluted)

*(For 4-9 months (pureed), the following are unsuitable:
sugar, salt additives like MSG, condiments like ketchup, mayonnaise, sticky food like peanut butter, slippery food like peanuts and seeds, burnt food either barbequed or toasted food, all processed foods including commercial beverages like sodas and fruits drinks.)

Pear Puree!

1. There is variety of pear in the market, just get the seasonal one (I chose organic fruits/vegetable from 4 to 6 months) .

2. Wash your hands clean and start to peel off the skin then dice.

 - you may keep the skin but make sure you wash away the wax completely

3. Steam the pear slices.

4. Use 100/200ml water ready to steam.

Set the temperature at 100 °C and time to 15 minute. (or 10 minute for less pear)

(water should just leak through the holes of the basket)

5. Blend it to the consistency that your baby prefers.

*Usually i keep the remaining "pear extract" for mixing with cereal.

6. Now let's pour the puree into the food tray and freeze it.

*Once frozen, remove it from the tray and keep them in zip lock bag.

Bon appetite!

Hope your baby enjoys the puree that you have prepared!

My friend asked, how does the cooker look like?

<= Thermomix Multipurpose Cooker!

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Weaning your baby from liquid to solid

To give Eli the correct type of food, I reference books and research for information online I also attended "the weaning for baby" seminal by Dr. Ang Poon Liat too. Dr. Ang shared lot of useful tips and according to him, between 4-6 months, your baby may tell you he/she is ready for wean. What you use to wean will determine his/her growth, development & health.

It is proof that what you eat is what you are.

I have to make sure Eli have enough of nutrition, eat the right things to be healthier, i must constantly check the macronutrient types: Carbohydrates, Fats & Proteins of food products.

Chicken meat (protein), Broccoli, Parsnip, Mushroom (Carbohydrates), Olive Oil (Fats)

Eli enjoys his 1st apple puree (non allergy fruits) at his 4th month, we tried different vegetables/fruits, it allows us to monitor what food he is allergic to.

How does one find out when a baby is ready for solid food?

Sharing info as following link,

Age: 4 to 6 months

Signs of readiness for solid food
Your baby probably won't do all these things – they're just clues to watch for.
  • Can hold head up
  • Sits well in highchair
  • Makes chewing motions
  • Shows significant weight gain (birth weight has doubled)
  • Shows interest in food
  • Can close mouth around a spoon
  • Can move food from front to back of mouth
  • Can move tongue back and forth, but is losing tendency to push food out with tongue
  • Seems hungry after 8 to 10 feedings of breast milk or 40 oz. of formula in a day
  • Is teething
What to feed
  • Breast milk or formula, PLUS
  • Pureed food (like sweet potatoes, squash, apples, bananas, peaches, or pears) or semi-liquid iron-fortified cereal
How much per day
  • Begin with about 1 teaspoon pureed food or cereal. Mix cereal with 4 to 5 teaspoons breast milk or formula (it'll be very runny).
  • Increase to 1 tablespoon of pureed food, or 1 tablespoon of cereal mixed with breast milk or formula, twice a day. If giving cereal, gradually thicken the consistency by using less liquid.
I understand that raising a baby is sometimes really stressful & frustrating, but getting things right from the start and giving him the right food is pertinent for all mommies.

I wish to share some of my experiences and food that Eli enjoys. I sample the different puree that I prepare, as i firmly believe that only if I like the taste, then only will Eli like to eat it.

Don't give yourself unnecessary stress and enjoy every step of the journey with your little bub :)

Eli like to do grocery shopping too!

Wednesday, 21 August 2013



* 因为亲戚的介绍,家里也有这俩种药“余仁生牌”, 儿子多痰时服用些少量,的确见效。 但没有每天服用* 

看了论坛很多帖子,发现很多妈妈偏爱这2样药。认为这2样药效果好,可以随便甚至天天给宝宝喂服,其实是广告夸大了这2样药,真正的隐患,我想很少 有妈妈知道。,抑制小孩长高,影响身体发育。 先看2者配方,里面的麝香,牛黄,全蝎,猴枣(真正的猴枣比牛黄还凉)。不是一般病可以吃的,更不能经常吃。否则会损伤人体元气正的隐患,我想很少有妈妈 知道。 再看中国药品管理发。1997年被国家中药管理局列入全国中医急科必备药。在国内有文件规定保婴丹和猴枣散只能在抢救时应用。
然后看看国外,保婴丹在国外极少用,加拿大更是明确禁用。加拿大卫生部提醒民众不要给幼儿或婴儿服用“保婴丹”,因为该药含有与另一已知可造成幼儿 不良反应甚至死亡的物质相似毒性的成分。 它标明含有百分之五的冰片。该成分与樟脑具有相似的毒性,而樟脑已知为剧毒物质,特别是对儿童有毒害作用。 猴枣散该方既然被列入急救药,就表明了不能随便使用。主要用于高热、支气管炎、肺炎、哮喘等有里热症状者。一般的感冒不宜用此药,更不能当保健品长期服 用。


Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Eli 1st Beef Pasta with Healthy Vegetables Puree

Eli loves to eat!
I enjoy preparing the puree that Eli enjoys eating.

My concern for his food, is the nutrition and freshness, so i prepare for him home made puree and keep it in the freezer, usually it can be kept for 8 weeks max.
My pediatrician advice to give animal protein after 6-7 months. I let Eli try his first animal protein with chicken & salmon at 7 months. Follow on with beef after 7 months.

-  For 4-9 months (pureed), the following are unsuitable:
sugar, salt additives like MSG, condiments like ketchup, mayonnaise, sticky food like peanut butter, slippery food like peanuts and seeds, burnt food either barbequed or toasted food, all processed foods including commercial beverages like sodas and fruits drinks.

Beef slice, Tomato x 2, Baby Carrot x 6/8, Potato, Baby Pasta.

Cut the beef slice into small cubes.
Remove the tomato skin (either peel it with knife or boil the tomato for 2-3 mins then peel the skin off).
Peel the Carrot (optional) and cut into cubes about 1-2cm.
Peel the Potato and cut into cube about 1-2cm.
*Cook the Baby Pasta as per instructions and put aside for use later.

 Before cooking,
Extra Virgin Olive Oil is good for baby.

Baby food don't have to be blend, one can enhance the taste by adding some herbs.

I've added some dried herbs, Thyme (A little will do)

To cook the baby food, I'm using the Thermomix multipurpose cooker. Which is really handy for frying, steaming, and blending. The weighing scale and cooking timer is integrated in the Thermomix.

Throw everything into the pot

Fry the beef, potato, tomato, carrot with extra virgin olive oil (Set the temperature at 100°C) 

Now we set it to fry for 5 minutes. 

Mix everything and fry for 5 minutes.

The tomatoes makes it looks like watery.

(In the case you wan to try the tomato on 9 months onwards, either remove it from the recipe or replace it with cauliflower as an optional)

Add the baby pasta (star shape, cute!)

Add the Baby pasta which was prepared earlier and add some water just to cover the food.

Then let it cook for another 10 minutes before blending it to a puree.

Blended after cooking

Thermomix allows me to blend straight after cooking, blend to the texture that your baby likes.

For this serving, it in consist of carbohydrates, fat (olive oil) & meat proteins.

The tray for baby food

For storing baby food, i'm using "mumi & bubi" starter kit BPA free food storage. It is 1oz per cube. 
Convenient to serve and heat up in small container.

Put it inside the freezer and it is ready for serving, A delicious and tasty dinner for your bub. 

*I introduce the brown rice cereal into the puree so that Eli can experience the taste of brown rice.

Monday, 19 August 2013

Welcome to the world, my son!

Eli 20 Days

We praise the Lord for blessing us with a lovely son in year 2012 =)

* Many of my friends mentioned that it would be very competitive for him in Dragon Year's (龙年) .....-__-'''* 

He brings happiness to our family x 2 (me & husband side) also uncountable sleepless night for both of us....

As new parents (me & my husband), we try to provide for him the best that we can, we learn every day through seeking his grandma experience, pediatrician, our family doctor, researching, reading books, sharing with other mothers. 

We loves to bring him around, meeting friends/relatives, shopping, brunch/lunch/dinner and Traveling!
It is awesome to travel with little one! Eli likes to travel with us, you can tell from his behavior during the trip.

I'm a working mum, can't help thinking how to spend more time with my babe? Wish that i will be there for his every little new experience that he encounters, every smile that he makes, every moment with him is so precious to me.